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Creative Classroom Activities


E ola Professores de Ingês!!!!!!!! essa vai para TODOS vocês !!!!!!!!!!!!! , mais uma matéria do nosso ​PCNP LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA MODERNA LUIZ AFONSO BADDINI, selecionou mais uma dica quentíssima, bora láaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa conferir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Creative Classroom Activities Creative Classroom Activities is the second of a two-volume anthology of articles published between 1989 and 1993 in English Teaching Forum. Download the e-book or PDF.

Creative Classroom Activities is the second of a two-volume anthology of articles published between 1989 and 1993 in English Teaching Forum. This text is practical in nature, focusing on teaching techniques and classroom materials developed by teachers around the world. The articles are divided into the following categories: Activating Communication, Developing Materials, Teaching Reading, Teaching Writing, and Teaching Literature. This text is intended for in-service and pre-service teachers and teacher trainers in public and private institutions. Watch a Teaching Tip for this resource.

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Ingrid Silva
Ingrid Silva
May 04, 2020

Download, ok???? Yes! YES! 😍😍😍😍


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